Letting Go with More Ease and Guidance

Listen Deeply and Admit to Deeper Truths

Photo by Gianandrea Villa on Unsplash

Admitting that you do not have all the answers is vulnerable and liberating. Admitting that maybe you don’t need to figure everything out right now, but simply be still and open to what’s here — listening deeply to the moment requires courage and practice.

People often ask me, how do I let go? I have shared the notion of not trying or striving to let go,

I would describe letting go of any difficult feelings like grains of sand. You can try to grip it hard and hold onto it, but the grains of sand will still slip through your fingers. So why not open your fingers and let it flow out at ease?

I’ve further deepened my metaphors about letting go and seeing that we don’t have to let go of everything all at once. We don’t have to force ourselves into big actions or declarations. We create gentle openings for ourselves.

It’s like getting undressed on a cold winter day. You don’t take off all the layers at once. You enter your house, remove your jacket, and your sweater. layer by layer, till you get to the bare skin and put on your home clothes. Letting go all at once will leave you bare and vulnerable. What you want to let go of has been with you for so long, been part of your identity, it feels too familiar and comfortable to let go of. It’s only natural and human.

It can take a long time for some to realise and admit to things that they need to let go of. We unconsciously dwell in bad relationships, situations etc. as they serve a part of us. A wounded part of ourselves. When we awaken to our own power and ability to make new choices, we question — and then we have more questions…

In moments of confusion, I have found much solace in connecting to wider guidance and writing letters to the universe. I invite you to give up one problem you have right now to the universe. An unexpected conversation with a client led me to deepen my spiritual practice and share more of my own rituals and practices of surrendering, beyond coming to stillness and mindfulness.

Using prayer as a resource and learning to create our own version of faith is powerful. You can journal upon prompts of:

‘I surrender’

‘I’m allowing life to reveal to me’

‘Show me’

‘May I be…’

‘I’m willing and ready’ …

Admitting to our own truths is often painful and revealing. That’s the first step to letting go. Admitting that you need support and don’t have to struggle alone is also key to the journey. If you’re navigating any transitions or making changes in life, be patient and kind to yourself.

Being willing and ready to admit to your own truths is already half the battle won. I sat in contemplation after the rich conversation I had with my client, where I helped her deconstruct and reconstruct her version of faith as she admitted to her deepest truth of wanting to leave her religion.

‘But I’m so fearful of being rejected by my family and community.’ She seemed overwhelmed and confused.

‘You don’t have to decide anything major right now — but you can say no to this upcoming task while you explore your own version of faith.’

Somewhere down the conversation, her whole being lit up and resonated when we discussed connecting to something bigger than us as a way of having faith. Whatever that version may resonate whether it’s the universe or other forms.

‘You mentioned the universe. It seems like it resonates with you. Do you believe there’s something wider than us — like the universe?’ I asked.

She nodded ploddingly and I inquired further.

‘Isn’t that having faith? To believe in something beyond us?’

I had tears in my eyes and was awed by all of it towards the end where we ended with an affirmation she came up with herself:

‘I believe the universe is always helping me and is being kind to me’.

It was the beginning of her discovering a more aligned version of faith and learning to trust herself.

I realised then that letting go is not a grand gesture of doing something, but planting seeds of change, setting an intention in movement, and allowing the layers to be shed through the seasons of life. Creating small openings and coming back to our truths step by step, from one small act to another, without overwhelming ourselves with the idea of letting go of all of our identities, patterns, and stories all at once.

And sometimes we call in some extra support and guidance. I believe we are all spiritual beings naturally connected to something bigger than us. Dogma and societies have clouded the idea of faith. Having faith can be as simple as resting in nature, and writing letters to yourself. You create your version of faith.

So, what do you believe is true for you right now? And what are you willing to surrender this moment?


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